Though each very different, all of Jesus’ disciples had one thing in common: when He said “come follow me,” they did. Choosing to follow Him was an investment on their part. They had to give some stuff up and gain other things. It was a process.

That’s what you have to do when you say “yes” to Jesus’ calling in your life.

No, you may not need to leave everyone behind and follow Jesus around the Middle East to fulfill your calling. However, God does have a purpose for your life. To participate, you’ll need to give some stuff up. You will also need to invest in His purpose for  you.

Here are 4 great ways to start investing in God’s purpose for your life:

  1. Invest in Learning

Even people with natural talent need time to practice and learn before they master their skills. Achieving your God-given dreams requires learning. Whether it’s furthering your education formally, simply completing free tutorials, or reading intentionally, learning is always a part of the investing process.

God has always encouraged people to learn. From early in the New Testament, He wanted His people to learn His Word and ways. God sets forth examples of seeking wisdom- like Solomon, Daniel, and Joseph. Everything from learning a new language to learning how to do a job well is to be praised when it is done for God’s glory. Invest in learning so that you can master the skills the Lord has called you to.

  1. Invest in Equipment

If you look at the world around you, it’s not hard to see God created beauty. He loves fine workmanship. God laid out plans for the tabernacle, the temple, and the whole world to be made well. His attention to detail is astounding, and God has the best tool around: His hands, His breath, and His Word.

Use the best tools you can to produce the best you can for God’s glory. Invest in equipment to ensure your workmanship represents the kid of high quality God Himself exemplifies. That may mean spending a little more on technology, software, or supplies. If the return on investment is pursuing God’s plan for your life, it is worth it.

  1. Invest in the Time

Another critical component of growing into God’s plans for you is spending time practicing and honing your skills. God has plans for your whole life, including preparing for you big tasks and purposes He has. When you get a glimpse of a big purpose or opportunity, stay encouraged as you keep preparing. Take your time because God’s timing is best.

  1. Invest in Others

God has always been focused on people. The one thing we bring to heaven with us is people! Invest in other people in anything you do. Make connections, take the time to listen, and develop genuine relationships. Mentor and be mentored. Give of your time and your skills to serve other people.

Most importantly, be sure that as you invest in God’s plans for your life, you realize those plans aren’t just about you. God’s greater plan is always to draw people to Himself. Your investments and your plans should always be focused on God’s goal!

Article submitted by Bethany McIlrath:

Bethany McIlrath is a freelance writer who is grateful for the Gospel. She writes on a variety of topics, but her favorite subjects connect faith to real life. You can connect with Bethany on her website or on social media.